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GTO CNC Solutions is your Personal CNC Sourcing Expert. Tired of flying to Taiwan or send endless e-mails to fix problems that should not have happened? GTO CNC Solutions is here to make sure that your valuable time and energy is spent on growing your business and not worrying about your suppliers. GTO CNC Solutions is dedicated in understanding your company and market needs to find the most suitable CNC manufacturer in Taiwan to grow together with your company.
Lifestyle Design Creative Product Design Life Production and export
Pamir Law Group is an international-style law and business consulting company based in Asia with offices in Taipei, Shanghai and Beijing. Pamir’s local lawyers are from top domestic law schools and law firms in Taiwan. Our international attorneys are former partners and senior associate from global law firms located in New York, Silicon Valley, London, Hong Kong and Tokyo. Pamir’s multilingual professionals allow the company to support clients in several languages, including English, Chinese (Mandarin, Taiwanese, Cantonese, Shanghai and Suzhou dialects) as well as Japanese and Spanish. Our clients are Fortune 100 multi-national companies, international private equity and venture capital funds as well as Asia-based listed companies, privately-held conglomerates and high net worth family groups. We also co-counsel with leading law firms from Asia, North America, Latin America and Europe on their client matters in Greater China. We represent leading PRC groups in their activities overseas. 帕米爾國際法律集團是一家融合法務及商務諮詢於一體的國際性的亞洲顧問公司,在臺北、上海和北京均設有分所。 帕米爾的律師均來自于一流的法律院校和律師事務所。國際律師則曾經是紐約、矽谷、倫敦、香港和東京等地全球性律師事務所的合夥人或高級律師。 帕米爾擁有掌握多種語言的專業人士,能為使用不同語言的客戶提供服務,這些語言包括英語、中文(普通話、國語、粵語、上海及蘇州方言)、日語以及西班牙語。 我們的客戶均為《財富》100強的跨國公司、國際私募及風險投資基金、亞洲上市公司、私人掌控的聯合企業及高淨值的家族企業集團。 我們也與亞洲、北美洲、拉丁美洲及歐洲的頂級律師事務所一起為其客戶在大中華地區的業務提供諮詢服務。我們在海外事務中代表著中國的頂級團隊。
帝均科技有限公司創立於2007年,公司營業項目為:螢幕保護貼、電腦鍵盤膜OEM/ODM, 於2009年創立GLAMOUR+品牌,主要產品為APPLE電腦周邊配件、iPhone周邊配件、3C商品周邊配件。
康勝公司創立於民國95年3月迄今四年餘,自許是台灣的驕傲。繼以CLR交聯包覆技術平台為根基,展延開發酵素產品,曾經舉辦成果發表記者會及參加多次國際展覽,並且申請多項國際發明專利。目前研發之產品,皆與弘光科技大學簽立產學合作。 目前商品化主要產品如下: 1.冬蟲夏草,(紫金蟲草, 黃金蟲草, 赤金蟲草)成份特殊,對不孕症之效用,已取得提昇雄性生殖力之發明專利。並已獲得國際動物期刊(Effect of Cordyceps Militavis Supplementation on Sperm Production , Sperm Motility and Hormones in Sprague-Dawley Rats.)「Volume : 36 , Issue : 5 (2008) pp.849-859」及國際食品期刊(Improvement of Sperm Production in Subfertile Boars by Cordyceps militaris Supplement. )「Volume : 35 , Issue : 4 (2007) pp.631-641」,培養基製程專利申請亦於審核中。 2.御金美人.晶綻丰采精華液, 花樣美肌 風華再現 瞬間透亮 , 完美肌膚 來自與眾不同 , 結合黃金蟲草 (北蟲草) 、膠原蛋白、六胜肽等﹍多種完整的有效天然成份,提高肌膚完全防禦機制,集中修護受損膚質,使肌膚彈力耀現。 維他命C 誘導體-運用獨特的高科技包覆技術,與膚溫接觸後滲透於肌膚,隨即吸收達到真正的淨白果。 3.御金美人.晶綻羽絲柔面膜;優質的黃金蟲草,呵護皮膚的細胞營養源 4.熱狗寵物沐浴乳, 澳洲綿羊專用清潔元素配方, 添加黃金蟲草SOD可抗氧化消除自由基. 5.鳳梨酵素,其功效機轉已受國際肯定登載於『美國化學會(ACS)』的『農業與食品化學期刊(Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry)』「Volume 54 No.6 March 22,2006」。 6.梅子酵素,除梅子功效,其降低膽固醇、三酸甘油脂、血脂肪經台中榮總臨床試驗證實,效果明顯。
Our uniqueness:我們的特色 私たちの特色 Professional management with emphasizing on safety quality control, and standard formula.(新型態之經營,專業的品質與照護,安全有效之產品與標準配方) (新しい形の経営 専門の品質看護するとでしたで,安全で有効のの製品標準処方するとです) Our Idea:我們的理念 私たちの思想 Continuously up grading our quality by not simply adopting price reduction. 「專業的價值在於品質不斷的提升,而非一昧的採取價格之下降」 「専門の価値は品質の絶えないアップにある,かくすと価格を取るさがりではない」 Our Goal我們的目標 私たちの目標 We suggest by using the nutrimental therapy and natural therapy, your health will achieve the true prevention of anti-aging and anti-oxidation. We have prepared a series of healthy foods with standard formula to keep you healthier and charm. Thus, not only we are a healthy consultant specialist, but also the “BANK OF HEATHY AND CHARMING.” 為你達成真正的預防醫學與抗老化,防範疾病於未然,抗氧化於老化之前。 我們建議以食療與自然療法,搭配精確之保健食品或保養品-做長期之健美儲蓄。 與其稱呼我們專業的健美顧問公司,不如叫我們為健康與美麗的銀行。 因為我們"創新與專業",所以準備了一系列之標準配方,歡迎大家一起來以健美護照開戶,儲蓄您的美麗與健康身體。 あなたのために本当の予防の醫学に達して抵抗すると老化する しかし,抵抗して老化する前酸化するですに疾病用心するか。 私たちは提案のイスラエルの食物治療のナチュラルキュアとで,せいかくな保健食品を組み合わせてあるいは保養して味います - 長期の健美をして 蓄します。 私たちの専門の健美の顧問会社を呼ぶよりは,させるのが私たちは健康と美しい銀行だほうがいいです。
Kentum Industrial Corp was established in 1985 and specialized in manufacture ring of wide range of valves with material of stainless steel, carbon steel in Taiwan. Our valves were made by the way of investment-casting and conform to ASTM A-351 with butt-weld end & socket-weld end & threaded end of npt, bspp bspt & din available Beside, our valves were processed by precise CNC lathes and unique machine center and 100% hydrostatic pressure test during production. In addition, our 15 years experiences had lead us to do an excellent production control and quality-control and further to make puntual delivery time to all our ustomers, therefore, the quality level of our valves are excellent and met all our customers fully satisfactory both on quality and delvery. In 1992, Kentum had expanded the sales volume and invested to our Mainland China and joint-ventured with Kiyama group to set up another factory mainly producing high quality stainless steel pipe fittings made by the way of investment-casting and machined by CNC lathes. We also do pressure test, solution-annealed, pickled as well. Which our pipe fittings factory was approved by ISO-9002. In addition, we had started supply various kinds of industrial parts & components made from our machining shop since 2000. For which, we made those parts with material of Stainless steel, carbon steel, ductile-iron, brass & aluminum by the way of investment-casting, forging, stamping & die-cast according to our customers design, sizes & drawings. We welcome customers OEM projects as well. Also, we will do best to satisfy all our customers in the world.
KHCO, established in year 2004, a professional commercial agent and trading company with a simple idea of the 5R, “right markets, right products, right channels, right customers, and therefore, the right business”. Although our company is relatively young, we have very dedicated and experienced employees and partners who have very solid years of experience in this industry; and here we are, working together, creating pleasant business environment for our partners and customers. KHCO is powered by innovation that based on solid business principles of outstanding customer service, sincere partner relationship, flexible supply- chain for retailers and unbeatable value for customers.
成立時間: 西元1977年 經營理念: In the 30+ years since its beginning, Hong Long developed into one of the leading manufacturers of original equipment metal forgings, stampings, CNC-machining and metal fabrication in the automobile, consumer electronics, transportation, telecommunications and industrial industries. Throughout the companys growth, Hong Long Industrial continually invests in technology and in strengthening its supplier capabilities. 未來願景: To provide the world community with the best manufactured parts by: Training employees to make quality their number one objective. Investing in the latest technology. Constantly working to improve machine and process efficiencies. Always focusing on customers’ needs.
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